Lucky charms-$3.79
10 Pizza roll- $10.00
Donut holes- $2.99
3 12 packs cans- $9.00
2 Bob Evans side items-$5.00
10 Yoplait Yogurts- $5.00
Cake mix- $ .99
Gold fish- $1.00
3 Brownies-$5.00
Chewy Granola bar- $2.09
2 Ice creams-$5.00
2 Salad Blends- $5.00
Ramen Noodles-$.36
Milk- $2.00
Butter- $3.00
Bagels- $1.39
for a week =$58.11
x 2.5
for a month= $145.27
Yes i can afford my bill i will have $112.12 left. Pop is my most expense price or pizza rolls. I didnt really cut down much. But i wont be albe to go out to eat has much as i would like.